Environmental, Social e Governance
Passion for innovation means designing today what will be the future, what will make production more efficient, turning what seems impossible into reality.
Learn about our journey in ESG
Environmental, Social e Governance
Passion for innovation means designing today what will be the future, what will make production more efficient, turning what seems impossible into reality.
Learn about our journey in ESG
Social e
Enviromental, Social e Governance.
SDGs parameters
Special-Ind's sustainability goals
Steliau Technology Italy has implemented actions in line with 5 of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) parameters recognized by the United Nations. It has placed a priority focus on innovation and the creation of partnerships geared toward the development of new technologies that promote the well-being and improvement of customers’ conditions and responsiveness to their needs.
ESG Facts
For Frilvam, the focus on the sustainability of its activities is key to addressing the day-to-day issues related to the “ESG” themes. In its mission it works in order to meet the needs of customers, working in an ethical and rational way, with particular focus on innovation issues oriented to the sustainability and safety of its employees.
ESG Priorities
For Frilvam, the focus on the sustainability of its activities is key to addressing the day-to-day issues related to the “ESG” themes. In its mission it works in order to meet the needs of customers, working in an ethical and rational way, with particular focus on innovation issues oriented to the sustainability and safety of its employees.

As part of the activities carried out, practices and procedures are adopted to ensure recycling/recovery of waste, in cooperation with certified entities.
The company over the past 5 years, particularly in 2022, has carried out energy efficiency work with a total value of €250,000.
Steliau Technology Italy estimated a 30 percent reduction in consumption compared to the year before the efficiency upgrades.

100% energy

Steliau Technology Italy measures corporate
emissions related to air pollution.
The percentage of GHG reduction from the
previous year is 20%.
Steliau Technology Italy measures corporate emissions related to air pollution. The percentage of GHG reduction from the previous year is 20%.
Events & News
- Environment
The company has adapted to the new limits set by the EU F-Gas Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases: in fact, it has refrigeration systems in line with the new limits set for 2022 by the Regulation. This choice is part of a drive for environmental sustainability and compliance with the new EU regulations.Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #EU regulation #environmental compliance
- Environment
Commitment to sustainability also implies responsible management of waste produced during all stages of goods production. In the sorting centers and within its plants, special areas are set aside for the separate collection of waste produced during all phases of goods handling. This practice makes it possible to reduce the volume of waste going to landfill and to recover materials that can be recycled or reused. Responsible waste management is a concrete commitment to environmental protection and represents a responsible choice toward the future. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #energyefficiency #sustainability #environment #waste
- Environment
The buildings in which the offices are located, have obtained certifications from third parties related to energy class: A or higher. This means that these buildings meet strict criteria for energy efficiency and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the investment can lead to significant long-term energy cost savings. Sustainable buildings not only help protect the environment, but are also an economical and profitable choice for businesses. In addition to this, the Open 336 building has achieved Platinum LEED certification. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainablebuildings #energyefficiency #certifications
- Environment
Since April, Special-Ind in its new headquarters in Bicocca, Milan. The inauguration last June.
A ribbon-cutting in grand style for the company, which went to occupy the top floor, the fourth, of the building at 336 Via Sarca.
A move that has a strong sustainability value: that’s right, because the Open 336 on Sarca Street, designed by Park Associati, is able to breathe like a tree, zeroing out carbon dioxide emissions while cleaning the air you breathe there. This is possible thanks to the implementation of a special filter technology, based on biodegradable materials and developed by Fervo Group, that can absorb carbon dioxide 8 times more than the plants themselves.
The new location is part of the path of social responsibility and commitment to ESG issues, which has been undertaken since 2021 when Steliau Technology joined the group and
…- Environment
Proper management of business waste disposal involves compliance with regulations and guidelines, starting with an analysis of quantities.
The total amount of waste produced in one year by all company sites is 79.68 tons.
From this, the company can begin to manage waste disposal more effectively.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #sustainabilityreport #esgjourney #sustainability #environment #zerowaste
- Environment
Water availability often varies depending on the geographic area. This implies, in terms of monitoring water consumption, a great responsibility for the user, both private and public.
Manufacturers will need substantial stocks of water to manage with a use and disposal plan.
The water consumed in one year by all company sites is 150 m3.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #environment #environmentalimpacts #water
- Environment
Separate waste collection is carried out by carefully selecting different types of waste and then destined for proper disposal or recycling management.
Special-Ind SPA in its sites carries out separate collection, conferring paper, plastic, glass and computer equipment.
Learn more about the Special-Ind SPA ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #environment #zerowaste

Network and Territory
The company has a policy on data privacy and security..


Steliau Technology Italy has adhered to the Manifesto
“Businesses for People and Society,” drafted by the
UN Global Compact, through which it is committed to
strengthening the role of the social dimension in its
business strategies to generate long-term value,
including in the supply chain and communities in which
it operates.
Steliau Technology Italy has adhered to the Manifesto “Businesses for People and Society,” drafted by the UN Global Compact, through which it is committed to strengthening the role of the social dimension in its business strategies to generate long-term value, including in the supply chain and communities in which it operates.
Events & News
- Network & Territory
To monitor and control the status of products destined for sale/distribution, the company has a monitoring plan for inventories that allows products that have been in storage the longest to be sold/delivered first, so as to reduce the risk of spoilage and/or deterioration associated with long storage. This allows the status of items to be kept under control, ensuring a higher level of quality of the final product. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #monitoring #product control #giacencies #quality
- Network & Territory
Respect for the community is expressed in different ways. Sometimes it starts with respect for the environment (a more “green” approach), sometimes it chooses to capitalize and/or re-invest locally. Investments are made to benefit the community in the area where the company operates. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #esgjourney #network #territory
- Network & Territory
The products offered are accompanied by appropriate labeling/information regarding disposal practices of additional packaging: in fact, detailed directions for disposal and their impact on the environment are included. It is important that customers are informed about the disposal of additional packaging and its impact on the environment. Responsible manufacturers include detailed directions on product labels, providing clear and accurate information on the proper way to dispose of packaging. This helps consumers make more informed choices and reduce waste. In addition, labeling can encourage proper disposal practices, helping to prevent environmental contamination. In summary, proper labeling of products is key to promoting sustainable and responsible development. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #packaging #recycling #disposal
- Network & Territory
The company certifies its quality management system, having obtained ISO 9001 certification.
ISO 9001 is the most well-known and used standard for quality management systems worldwide, aimed at the continuous and constant improvement of the company, with the goal of optimizing its organizational structure.
Iso 9001 is not a mandatory certification. However, the request – and achievement – denotes the transparent, concrete and sustainable nature of a company.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #sustainabilityreport #ESGJourney #sustainability #certifications #quality
- Network & Territory
Following the regulatory framework that requires a significant effort to protect sensitive data, many companies have realized the need to regulate the issue of privacy for both employees and customers’.
The company has a privacy and data security policy.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #sustainabilityreport #ESGJourney #sustainability #privacy #internalpolicy
- Network & Territory
The company managed products require additional packaging before delivery.
Extra packaging ensures perfect delivery condition to customers. This additional step may seem like an unnecessary expense, but it actually represents an important investment for customer satisfaction and the reputation of the company. Professional packaging can protect the product from shock and vibration during transport, preventing breakage or irreparable damage.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #packaging #delivery #products #company #investment

Over the past year, the company, net of retirements, has created 10 new jobs.

The company presents in its staff/ facilitates the
training of, certified specialists in the field of
sustainability. In fact, it presents in its staff
professionals in the field of
sustainability, of Sustainability Managers.

Events & News
- People
The company features certified sustainability specialists in its workforce/staff. Thanks to this commitment, the company is able to responsibly manage the activities and products it puts on the market, contributing to the protection of the environment and the community. Training specialists in sustainability is an investment that the company considers essential to ensure its growth and development in harmony with the needs of the land and the planet. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #social responsibility #sustainable development
- People
In defining a company’s sustainability, several parameters are evaluated. Even those related to people, understood as employees and community. The “goodness” of “social” practices (According to the acronym ESG), therefore, also exudes from the company’s commitment to human rights. The company makes its human rights management policy public on its website. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #esgjourney #territory
- People
Steliau Technology Italy, in 2023 signed the Poster “Businesses for People and Society” committing to strengthen the role of the Social dimension in business strategies to generate long-term value also in the supply chain and in the communities where it operates. The Manifesto is the text addressed to companies and drafted by the UN Global Compact Network Italy, a local network of the UN Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative.
#esg-view #sustainability #esgjourney #society #ONU
- People
Each company pursues its own policy and determines its own recruitment. The age of employees can also determine their health or, for example, their sustainable approach.
Sometimes, however, there is no scientific motivation, but only a good recycling and a wise recruitment practice based on skills and not on anything else (master first).
The average age of employees is between 30 and 50 years old.
Learn more about the Company ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #sustainability #inclusion
- People
Companies tailor hiring to their needs, making regulations in place their own guidelines to identify the best contract types for themselves.
The percentage of part-time employees is 8%.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #sustainability #inclusion #employees
- People
With regard to the inclusion of disadvantaged or protected groups, firms are increasingly committed to including disadvantaged persons in the production process.
In this sense, the company has also undertaken to employ the most difficult categories.
The company employed 2 % of the total number of employees belonging to the protected categories ex 68/99 or disadvantaged persons ex L.381/91.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #sustainability #inclusion

Business Model
and Innovation

Steliau Technology Italy adopts a system for
evaluating suppliers, aimed at the possession of
social and environmental certifications.
In the search and selection of suppliers, commitment
to circular economy practices is also evaluated and
Steliau Technology Italy adopts a system for evaluating suppliers, aimed at the possession of social and environmental certifications. In the search and selection of suppliers, commitment to circular economy practices is also evaluated and rewarded.
Supply chain

Events & News
- Business Model & Innovation
The company is also committed to promoting sustainability through the selection of its suppliers. Supplier selection activities for packaging are based on criteria of increased recyclability of packaging, with the aim of reducing material waste and environmental impact. The company’s commitment to sustainability extends throughout the supply chain, ensuring sustainable products with low environmental impact. This focus on sustainability is an important commitment for the company, which believes in the value of commitment to the environment. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #suppliers #sustainability #recovery
- Business Model & Innovation
The company decided to improve its business by starting with the sourcing of packaging. This is done by purchasing from a third-party company, which saves on production costs and provides access to high-quality materials. Through the practice of conscious sourcing, the company can improve the management of its business, increase flexibility and productivity, and achieve new levels of competitiveness. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sourcing #productivity #competitiveness
- Business Model & Innovation
The company invests in activities with a focus on sustainable innovation of logistics processes. These activities include: 1) Sustainable logistics with Fercam SpA. 2)Net Carbon Zero building, which allows for 100% reduction of emissions during its lifetime. 3)LEED certification, Platinum level. 4)The start of the WEEL Gold certification phases. 5)Energy Class A smoke detection, EVAC and public address system. The company demonstrates its commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility in its activities for the benefit of future generations. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #innovation #logistics
- Business Model & Innovation
Special-Ind uses recycled materials as part of its activities.
This conscious choice allows to reduce the environmental impact and to encourage the recycling of waste. The use of these materials does not compromise the quality of the final products, but rather helps to enhance them. The company is proud to adopt this practice to support the environment and promote a sustainable lifestyle.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #recycling #sustainability #ecology #recycledmaterials #environment
- Business Model & Innovation
The most commonly used material for packaging is paper and cardboard.
Thanks to their recyclability, these materials represent a sustainable and ecological choice. The company is aware of the importance of reducing the environmental impact of its packaging and therefore favors the use of paper and cardboard. This way, it contributes to the protection of our planet and natural resources. The company also encourages its customers to do the same, adopting sustainable choices in their daily lives.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #sustainability #packaging #paper #cardboard #recycling
- Business Model & Innovation
Special-Ind has made sustainability one of its core values.
As part of the activities carried out, practices and procedures are adopted to ensure the recycling/ recovery of waste through the use of environmentally friendly materials.
In this way, the company reduces the environmental impact of its activities, promoting at the same time a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Sustainability is a constant commitment of the company, which wants to contribute to a better future for our planet.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #sustainability #company #ecologicalmaterials #recycling #waste #ecofriendly

Leadership & Governance
The company conducted an assessment of the socio-environmental impacts of its supply chain.
of risks

Steliau Technology Italy has complied with
Whistleblowing regulations by establishing an
internal wrongdoing reporting channel called “Parrot
Whistleblowing WB” pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023.
Steliau Technology Italy has complied with Whistleblowing regulations by establishing an internal wrongdoing reporting channel called “Parrot Whistleblowing WB” pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023.

Events & News
- Leadership & Governance
Regarding the European Commission’s goal of ensuring that all packaging in the EU is reusable or recyclable by 2030, the company has implemented and plans to further stimulate an aligned business plan. In fact, Steliau Technology Italy reuses its suppliers’ original packaging, supplementing it if necessary with some additions so as to reduce waste and the environmental impacts of packaging management. This commitment to sustainability is an important step toward a greener and more responsible future. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #packaging #environmental responsibility
- Leadership & Governance
Internal control is often of paramount importance to the well-being and smooth running of a company that wants to comply with regulations and believes in preventive risk management. The company has internal controls, specifically: – A Board of Statutory Auditors. – Internal audits according to ISO 9001/AS 9120. – Audits for the Safety System L.81/2008. This corroborates its serious and sustainable approach. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #esgjourney #businessrisk #governance
- Leadership & Governance
In an effort to raise awareness and approach to ESG issues, the company also aims to obtain various industry certifications. The company presents nationally or internationally recognized third-party certifications relatively product/service quality. Learn about the company’s other ESG commitments.
#esg-view #sustainability #esgjourney #environment #certifications
- Leadership & Governance
Companies, in the collective imagination, are often seen as large entities governed by adult subjects, strong of their seniority.
In the case of this company, however, the governance structure benefits from the experience of seniors that blends well with the excellent and entrepreneurial outlook projected towards the future of the younger.
The average age of the board of directors is between 30 and 50 years.
Learn more about the Company ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #government #governance
- Leadership & Governance
Special-Ind joins a trade association
A trade association represents and protects the interests of a specific productive or professional category. A group of persons (natural or legal) engaged in a public or private economic or business activity.
This “sense of belonging” often helps small and medium-sized enterprises, especially when facing large companies and their interests.
The company adheres to Assolombarda and Assodel.
Learn more about the Special-Ind ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #Sustainabilityreport #ESGJourney #sustainability #governance #Professionalethics
- Leadership & Governance
The company has internal controls, particularly an Internal Audit Function.
This function is responsible for inspecting the main processes and negotiations to ensure their correctness, in order to mitigate the risks that the company may face in its relationships with its collaborators during its normal operations.
This behavior reveals the wisdom of a company in its productive, economic, and sustainable performance.
Learn more about the Company ESG commitment.
#Specialind #specialind #esg #esg-view #SustainabilityReport #ESGJourney #sustainability #businessrisks #ProfessionalEthics #governance