Environmental, Social e Governance

Passion for innovation means designing today what will be the future, what will make production more efficient, turning what seems impossible into reality.

Learn about our journey in ESG

Environmental, Social e Governance

Passion for innovation means designing today what will be the future, what will make production more efficient, turning what seems impossible into reality.

Learn about our journey in ESG

Social e

Enviromental, Social e Governance.

SDGs parameters

Special-Ind's sustainability goals

Steliau Technology Italy has implemented actions in line with 5 of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) parameters recognized by the United Nations. It has placed a priority focus on innovation and the creation of partnerships geared toward the development of new technologies that promote the well-being and improvement of customers’ conditions and responsiveness to their needs.

ESG Facts

For Frilvam, the focus on the sustainability of its activities is key to addressing the day-to-day issues related to the “ESG” themes. In its mission it works in order to meet the needs of customers, working in an ethical and rational way, with particular focus on innovation issues oriented to the sustainability and safety of its employees.

ESG Priorities


For Frilvam, the focus on the sustainability of its activities is key to addressing the day-to-day issues related to the “ESG” themes. In its mission it works in order to meet the needs of customers, working in an ethical and rational way, with particular focus on innovation issues oriented to the sustainability and safety of its employees.


As part of the activities carried out, practices and procedures are adopted to ensure recycling/recovery of waste, in cooperation with certified entities.

The company over the past 5 years, particularly in 2022, has carried out energy efficiency work with a total value of €250,000.

Steliau Technology Italy estimated a 30 percent reduction in consumption compared to the year before the efficiency upgrades.


100% energy

Steliau Technology Italy measures corporate
emissions related to air pollution.
The percentage of GHG reduction from the
previous year is 20%.

Steliau Technology Italy measures corporate emissions related to air pollution. The percentage of GHG reduction from the previous year is 20%.

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Network and Territory

The company has a policy on data privacy and security..

Products offered are accompanied by appropriate labeling/information regarding packaging disposal practices.
To monitor and control the status of products destined for sale/distribution, the company has an inventory monitoring plan that allows products that have been in storage the longest to be sold/delivered first, so as to reduce the risk of alteration associated with long storage.



Steliau Technology Italy has adhered to the Manifesto
“Businesses for People and Society,” drafted by the
UN Global Compact
, through which it is committed to
strengthening the role of the social dimension in its
business strategies to generate long-term value,
including in the supply chain and communities in which
it operates.

Steliau Technology Italy has adhered to the Manifesto “Businesses for People and Society,” drafted by the UN Global Compact, through which it is committed to strengthening the role of the social dimension in its business strategies to generate long-term value, including in the supply chain and communities in which it operates.

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The company publishes the EDI policy covering discrimination based on gender, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation on its website.
The company measures the satisfaction of its employees with a regular, periodic survey.

Over the past year, the company, net of retirements, has created 10 new jobs.

The company presents in its staff/ facilitates the
training of, certified specialists in the field of
. In fact, it presents in its staff
professionals in the field of
sustainability, of Sustainability Managers.

The company presents in its staff/ facilitates the training of, certified specialists in the field of sustainability. In fact, it presents in its staff professionals in the field of sustainability, of Sustainability Managers.


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Business Model
and Innovation

Steliau Technology Italy works with its supply chain to promote and ensure the sustainability of its product offerings according to nationally and/or internationally recognized voluntary protocols and standards.
The company attests to its quality management system, having obtained ISO 9001/AS 9120 certification.
The company has initiated supply chain collaboration processes with a view to the circular economy, that is, designed to minimize the consumption of natural resources and waste.

Steliau Technology Italy adopts a system for
evaluating suppliers, aimed at the possession of
social and environmental certifications.
In the search and selection of suppliers, commitment
to circular economy practices is also evaluated and

Steliau Technology Italy adopts a system for evaluating suppliers, aimed at the possession of social and environmental certifications. In the search and selection of suppliers, commitment to circular economy practices is also evaluated and rewarded.

Supply chain

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Leadership & Governance

Steliau Technology Italy presents nationally or internationally recognized third-party certifications regarding the quality of its products/services and the security of data and business management.
Steliau Technology Italy has been thoroughly vetted, trained and certified by the world’s leading anti-corruption standard-setting organization TRACE- TCompliance.

The company conducted an assessment of the socio-environmental impacts of its supply chain.

of risks


Steliau Technology Italy has complied with
Whistleblowing regulations
by establishing an
internal wrongdoing reporting channel called “Parrot
Whistleblowing WB” pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023.

Steliau Technology Italy has complied with Whistleblowing regulations by establishing an internal wrongdoing reporting channel called “Parrot Whistleblowing WB” pursuant to Legislative Decree 24/2023.

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